This is the age that made entrepreneurship hot.
But any entrepreneur will tell you how un-hot the lifestyle really is – long lonely nights, lack of a work-life balance, no positive feedback loop (sometimes for years) etc etc
The fact that so many of us strive to start our own thing, or even get to choose, is in fact a privilege. Generations before us, and in manyparts of the world today, the ability to choose doesnt exist. We all have a friend whose family would only accept them being a doctor or a lawyer (and maybe it’s you?).
And, truly, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Wasting that opportunity, the ability to choose, and then never seeing it materialize is a waste. So many of us get into a job and stick with it long enough to become an authority on the subject or become lucky enough to have others who come to us for advice, or report to us. The very nature of the management structure is fulfilling to us at a biological level. Societies were built upon everyone doing their part and doing it pridefully – many of them without the freedom of choice. The fact that in this day and age you get some satisfaction out of what you’re doing, even though it’s not what you thought you’d be doing is perfectly fine.
Though, for those of us who either a) knew what we wanted all along (the lucky ones) or b) want to wake up excited to go to work, and have that all too cliche – “I can’t believe I get paid to do this” – settling isn’t an option.
Cheers to them. Keep striving.